What's Here

Friday, July 2, 2010

Framed Letter Friday

It's the end of the week again -- and that means it's time for some "picture letter" words.  I was kind of a lame-o this week and did an easy three letter word -- what can I say I wanted to be patriotic -- but Independence and Freedom are pretty long words!  So USA it is!

 Any guesses?  I'll post what each letter actually is later on today!


  1. The "S" is from your chandelier! I love it! I'm gonna make one too!

  2. Happy 4th! And gosh I love the name of your blog. It's where many of us are at, I'm sure.

  3. Happy 4th to you as well and thanks for stopping by Pittypat Paperie.

    Cute take on those letters, but I have no idea what they are Ü

  4. I enjoy your blog and nominated it for an award. Come on over and check it out.

  5. hey amanda!!
    I gave you an award!!
    Check it out! =)


    <3 brandi


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