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Monday, August 2, 2010

Guest Blogger: Brittany @ Pretty Handy Girl

Today I wanted to share with you an AMAZING blogger/crafter/do-it-yourselfer.  Seriously - this girl is fantastic -- and she does EVERYTHING -- and she shows you how to do everything too.

I'd like you all to meet Brittany, the Pretty Handy Girl.

Before I share with you some of her fantastic transformations, I want to share with you a little bit about this Pretty Handy Girl:

 When did you begin creating your own DIY projects? 
My parents added on to our house when I was young (That didn't'mean they hired a contractor, they did the work themselves!) There were always scrap pieces of lumber lying around. I dreamed of building my own playhouse in the back yard with that scrap wood. I used to paint and color on those scraps (and still have two of them today!)  When my husband and I moved to Philadephia, we bought some unfinished furniture from IKEA, I successfully stained them (although we kept smelling gas and finally ended up calling the gas company only to find out that using an oil based stain in an unventilated area is not a good idea! After that I recovered a hand-me-down couch by taking it apart and seeing how it was pieced together.

 Did you have any formal training?
Definitely not, but I wish!
 My father had 3 daughters and no sons, so he taught us how to use his power tools, change the oil on our cars and wire an outlet (among other things.) My mom was always finding yard sale and curbside treasures. I remember her painting a bed, nightstand and dresser so they would coordinate for my bedroom. And she also re-upholstered a curbside chair for my college apartment. I always pay attention when someone is fixing, building or creating something. 

Was anyone inspirational in giving you the confidence to try a DIY project? 
Definitely my father for teaching us we could do anything a boy could do (if not better!) And my mother for being a hands on type of woman who was not afraid to climb a ladder to paint something or figure out how to make something herself.

Where do you get your inspirations?
Magazines, Flea Markets, Boutiques and definitely all the other wonderful blogs out there (including The Hand Me Down House!)

Would you be willing to share your biggest blunder or goof? If not, I understand ;-).
I’ve had several and learned from each one. Recently I re-wired a lamp and make a very STUPID mistake. I have been getting more confident at working with electricity (not a good thing to be) and forgot to make sure the lamp was unplugged. I cut into the cord and “POP” the cord sparked and luckily the wire cutters had an insulated handle and I was unharmed. I learned to double and triple check and take my time when working with electrical. 

 Any advice you have to other new DIYers?
 Look at how things are made. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I find Lowe’s Home Improvement and Ace employees to be super helpful! The next time you have a handyman come fix something, watch how he or she fixes it and ask questions. Google how to instructions or videos. Most of all, just try it! 

Not only is Brittany one of the sweetest bloggers I've "met", but she has the most incredible makoevers, tips and projects.  So today I get the honor of sharing some her makeovers with you....get ready, because these are amazing!

Look at this closet she transformed into a fabulous reading nook.  Is this not one of the most incredible transformations you've ever seen?   Brittany was even nice enough to post some amazing how-to's and tips on how she did this.  I still cannot get over how fantastic this is!

And look at this beautiful, lavender bench:

Gorgeous, right?  Don't you want to sit and stare at it all day?  It looks like she bought it somewhere.....but not Brittany - she's a Pretty Handy Girl, so she made it....out of this:

Oh, yes-- that's right.  And she even has some very detailed instructions on how you can make a cute bench too; here.

Aaaand on top of all her clever DIYness, she does Pottery Barn knock-offs!  Can it get any better??  Look what she made:

She only spent $11.00 making this light into a gorgeous lantern!  See her tutorial on how to make your own here.

She added the cushion (and of course shows you how to add a cushion too) and made it perfect. :)

Are you just in LOVE with Brittany and her inspiring blog!?!  Me too!  Be sure to pay her a visit -- but be prepared to stay a while -- she's got lots of wonderful tips, tutorials and projects!

Pretty Handy Girl Blog


  1. The reading nook is amazing!!

  2. that flower bench is so nice !

  3. Love it, she's amazing! I need more tools!

  4. Thanks Amanda for the "glowing" intro. And thanks to your readers for their kind compliments.



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