If you're visiting -- welcome! I hope you enjoy the information on my blog. I don't actually update it any longer. My husband and I have long since sold our handed down home and moved to a larger house that is better suited for us, Ruby and our two girls, Adrienne & Gracelyn. (A lot can change over the course of 5 years!!).
My life path has changed in so many ways and I have turned my passion for houses into a company where I locally inspect homes for new buyers and sellers. I have also been working hard to stay connected online and serve a larger community. You can find me at Healthy House on the Block where I love to help people use their home to create a healthy lifestyle. You can also find more from me on my Instagram Account Stop over and say hi!!! :)
Have any questions, comments or interest in being featured? Email us: thehandmedownhouse@gmail.com.
Amanda: I am
the blogger here! My love for creating, transforming and crafting has been a long time in the making...and now I'm enjoying channeling that energy into our home.

Ruby: Our Mascot -- and comic relief! Although we have our moments of

The Hand Me Down House:
Although this house may not be our dream-home yet, we knew it was something we could work with and transform exactly how we wanted.
Our abode has been my home since I was ten years old. My family and I moved into it in 1995. I consider this house my childhood home, and the home I did the most growing in. At 20, I couldn't wait to get OUT of this house; I never planned to return to it for my permanent residence.
Of course after moving out on my own I never thought I would be living in this house again. I was glad to have a place of my own in a busy suburb with my neighbors so close I could hear their alarm clocks in the morning. It was the perfect place for one....but then add two! Kevin joined the living quarters along with all of our wedded-bliss-must-have-gifts. And then came Ruby and we realized a larger pad was definitely in order.
When my parents were ready to sell our current hand-me-down we jumped at the chance. I never thought I would in a million years be buying this house, but we felt it was where we were led to be. Knowing that we could update it and change it to our liking, we felt we could make this a house we love. And that's when it started.
Before we knew it we were tearing out carpet, ripping off wallpaper, painting, spackling and everything in between. It was a whirlwind of a month before we moved in. I wish I had been more on top of things when we moved in and really documented our changes -- but alas I was not. So starting a year and a half late -- here I begin our transformations.....with more to come!