Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm Thankful For...

That's right, Minnesota's first snow of the season!  And it was a beautiful snow storm.  We went to bed on Friday night to a brown, dead yard and woke up Saturday morning to this:

Although it was complete with a most-of-the-day-power-outage, broken tree limbs and lots of shoveling; it was a beautiful start out to winter.  I just love the grey-silvery colors of winter.  So sophisticated.

And with the power out on my typical-get-a-million-projects-done-Saturday; I didn't get anything done that I wanted.  It made me really appreciate electricity....I mean really appreciate it.  It also felt kind of good to have one day that I didn't feel like I had to get everything checked off my list.  Sometimes inconveniences can be a blessing in disguise -- a reminder to slow down and enjoy things like snowstorms:

Or deer walking through your yard.

And with Thanksgiving around the corner it's good to be reminded of all the things I have to be grateful for.

What are you thankful for??
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