Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My House is Ready for Thanksgiving!

I wanted to share with you how Thanksgiving-esque our house is! :)  Because come this weekend or next we will be in full-blown Christmas mode and the Autumn decorations will be put away for the year.  It sure went by fast, didn't it!?!

I found this candle, plastic acorns and leaf dish at Kohl's a few weeks back for 60% off and now they sit in the center of our dining room table.

 So, because I don't have a mantle; we decorate our sideboard/hutch/buffet (whatever you want to call it) for the seasons.  You can see my pumpkin and vase projects on the side there.

There are the famous Decor Chick Dollar Store Hurricanes -- I made them last weekend and I even used her "book" technique to hold them in place while they dried.  Thanks, Emily for an AWESOME, inexpensive project!!

I have my topiary on a little table in our entry way next to a store-bought pumpkin and a little lantern I snatched from an antique store.

 I found these Fall Ornaments at Joanne's this year and last year and thought they were a perfect addition to our entry way.

And of course you HAVE to have an Autumn welcome sign!  I absolutely love this one I got for my birthday a few years ago -- I wish I could leave it up all year around!!

Don't forget to link up YOUR Fall and Thanksgiving projects in our linky party!


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