According to the terms of the award, I have to tell you seven random things about myself. Well, hmmmmm -- this may be harder than I thought.
1. I've lived in five houses my entire life and they're all within a 10 miles of where I live now.
2. In high school, I was voted "most likely to cry at graduation" (I'm not sure if that's good or bad).
3. I'm always disappointed when I pour my final cup of coffee for the morning.
4. I get to work with my mom and dad every day at our family business, Zell Plumbing.
5. I will never get tired of watching reruns of "Friends".
6. I love a seeing a basket of clean, folded laundry -- I almost don't want to put it away.
7. I met the love of my life in high school and he still makes me laugh every day.
And now I pass on the award to seven new blogs I have recently discovered.
1. Becca at One Girl, One Beautiful World
2. Brandi at Tales of a Domestic Goddess
3. Katie at On the Banks of Squaw Creek
4. Lisa at The Pursuit of Happiness
5. Christin at Pregnant with Powertools
6. Heather at The Traveling Thirfter
7. Elizabeth at Habitually Crafty
Happy Monday to everyone!