Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shamble Ramble Fall Earings Giveaway!

I want to share with you our newest sponsor  -- Shamble Ramble.   Shamble Ramble is a wonderful Etsy Shop that's run by Stacey & Nicole, two sisters who create together -- and so a fantastic job, I must say! They create all different types of jewelry; vintage inspired, costume, wedding and more.  

And this year they are offering seasonal jewelry for Fall and Christmas, too!  Everything is completely unique and beautiful.

Let me share with you some of my favorites from their shop:

Aren't they gorgeous!?!

Well Stacey and Nicole have been SO sweet and decided that they would like to give one of you a pair of earrings from their new Fall Collection!

Check these out:

How perfect are these for fall!?!  These are their Autumn Pumpkin Orange Wire Wrapped Earrings -- and they are for one of you!! :)

Here are the details on how you can win these beauties:

WHEN:  9/9/2010 to 9/16/2010 at Midnight

WHAT:  Shamble Ramble's Autumn Pumpkin Orange Wire Wrapped Earrings (approx. 2")

HOW:   Visit Shamble Ramble's shop and come back to leave a message WITH a link to your favorite item and tell us why you love it

For extra entries: 

-You can visit Shamble Ramble's blog and become a follower of theirs (be sure to leave a comment here letting me know you did this!)

-Twitter/Blog/Facebook about this giveaway and come back to leave a separate comment that you did :)

 Thanks again to my awesome sponsors, Nicole and Stacey for giving away these beautiful earrings!!

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