Wednesday, September 22, 2010

GIVEAWAY: Simple Fit Redi Shade

Alright, remember my post from waaaaaaay back, yesterday??? :)  I added a new drape and shade to a boring old window:

 Well as promised, I have an awesome giveaway for you guys!

Simple Fit Redi Shade was SO kind and sent me one of their fantastic shades to install in my house.  Okay -- so I'm not gonna lie -- I was a bit skeptical at first.  I didn't think that shades could be installed in ONE minute as they show in their promo video:

Buuuuut -- I took the Redi Shade Challenge myself. :)  I don't have a video for you -- but I did take pictures of a timer:

Granted, I spent a minute reading through the instructions to make sure I was installing it right -- it seemed too easy!  But that's how long it took me to snap my shade into place. 

It honestly is as easy as their video shows -- and they are SUCH nice shades!  I will order any new shade I need from Redi Shade -- seriously.   They're not paying me to say this -- I am SO impressed with their stuff! 

They offer all kinds of shades and blinds -- from cordless, to black out, to light filtering -- all kinds!  And it gets better -- they're prices are VERY reasonable too.  Believe me -- I've done a TON of shopping for blinds as we didn't like any of the ones in our house when we moved and their prices are some of the best I've seen.  AND, I KNOW they are a great product -- so you're definitely getting your money's worth.  

My BlackOut Custom Sized Redi Shade - installed in 22 seconds!!

Okay -- so are you just dying to know what we're giving away!?! 


Are you SO excited!?! :)  Well I am for you -- because I know you are going to absolutely L-O-V-E these awesome shades!

So here are the details on how you can win your very own:

WHAT:  Custom Sized Redi-Shade
WHEN:  Through September 27, 2010 at Midnight
HOW:  Leave me a comment  -- whatever you want -- any comment will do. :)

FOR ADDITIONAL ENTRIES: (leave a separate comment for each one)

~ Go to Simple Fit page on Redi Shade' site and post a link to the shade you would pick out

~ Blog/Facebook/Twitter about the giveaway

~ Become a Fan of Simple Fit Redi Shade on Facebook

YES - pun intended!!

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