Thursday, June 17, 2010

Round Two of the PB Knock-Offs

Thanks to Leslie at Bargain Shopping Paradise for featuring my the PB chandelier:

And thanks to Allison at House of Hepworths for featuring my PB chandelier today!  Her blog is SO good -- not only is she ultra-crafty but her posts never fail to crack me up too!  So THANK YOU Allison!

And speaking of Pottery Barn Knock Off Lights ....... we're trying another one today.  Should I say that I really pulled out all the stops on my last one and this one is not nearly as exciting?  It's kinda true -- I was so happy with how the first light turned out that none of my other projects around the house are really measuring up.  Oh well, someday I'll get over my love affair with my light (maybe).

I saw this set of lovely lights in my PB catalog a few weeks ago (does anyone else continue to get these even though they never order anything??  Sadly, I'm just too cheap -- but I'm glad I have the catalog to flip through -- it makes me feel sophisticated).

Aren't these lovely?  And I especially the bluish green tinted one.  

So I kept my eyes open at the thrift store for the perfect piece of glass.  I scoured their million and one vases every time I was in.......and I finally found "the one."

The shape was darn-near perfect for my mini version of the PB light.  And I LOVE when you get to the register and it's on sale even MORE than you thought.  Cost for this little lovely?  $1.49 -- SCORE!

I was a little bummed that it wasn't colored -- but oh well I'll take what I can get.

Oh, wait -- it gets better - I found Pam's blog, Gingerbread & Snowflakes with a WONDERFUL tutorial on how to "tint" glass!  OMG -- could not even tell you how excited I was when I found this -- visit her tutorial -- it's awesome!

So the trick was to use Mod Podge and food coloring.  Well first, let me say that I have NEVER used Mod Podge before -- but I've heard AMAZING things about it and how addicting it is.  So I went out and bought some (did you know Joann's has a 50% off coupon this week?) with my coupon of course -- and I L-O-V-E this stuff! 

So I happened to find some Neon Food Coloring in my cupboard (no idea what I would have used this for -- but it came in handy this time!).  I put a few drops of the neon blue and mixed it with the Mod Podge like Pam did and painted it on.  After I painted it I stippled it with a paper towel -- real technical using paper towels and all, I know.

I know it looks quite electric-blue in the picture -- but as it dried it mellowed out. 

Next step was the lighting portion of it.  If you look at the PB light, there isn't a cord going through the glass -- it simply gets pushed out the top.  So I used the wires and switch from this light:

It's not too hard to get the wires out -- just unscrew the bottom wing-nut:

The bottom of the lamp just comes right off and the wires can be pulled out, but first you need to detach them from the switch part at the top of the light near where the bulb goes.

Unscrew the top by the actual switch and pull that bottom cover off.

**NOTE -- You could just as easily buy a lamp kit at the hardware store instead of reusing an old lamp.  It would probably be easier. :)

I unscrewed the screws that were holding the wires to the switch of the light.  Once the wires are unscrewed they can slide through the base of the lamp.  Now all you should have are the switch part and a black plug-in cord. 

Then put everything back together without the base or the glass part (I'll be using the base for another project).

What you should end up with is the top part of the lamp where the light bulb goes and the black cord that you plug into an outlet.

This part will sit in the top of the vase.

For the final part of my light I had really wanted a simple round lamp shade -- but I couldn't find one in the size I wanted or in the price range I wanted.  So I decided to makeover a lampshade that I had lying around the house.

I LOVED Amy's tutorial over at The Idea Room for a Rosette Lamp Shade.  She did an adorable lamp for her daughter that had a TON of the cutest little flowers on it.  I didn't do as many as she did but I did take her idea in using one of my hubby's old t-shirts he was going to throw away.

I cut it up into strips and rolled away!

I only did five and put buttons in the middle of each one.

The buttons were ones I found at Joann's for $1.50.

I think they turned out pretty good for my first try.

And are you ready for our lamp reveal!?!

I'm in love with how the glass turned out.  Pam is an absolute genius! 

I'm definitely going to be using the glass-Mod Podge-food coloring on other pieces.

Total for my lamp:

Vase:  $1.50
Light:  $2.99 (plus I can reuse the base for another project)
Buttons:  $1.50
Mod Podge:  $3.49 (and I'll be reusing this - a lot!)
TOTAL:  $9.48 (compared to $99.00 for the PB one!) 

I'll be linking up to these parties today.

32 Hand-Me-Downers Shared:

pam said...

Amanda! this is fabulous! You have done a great job on the tutorial but what I especially love is that you have blended ideas and techniques from so many different sources to make this lovely little lamp! This is one of the things I most enjoy about the internet connections in the blogiverse - how one persons creativity can stir the creativity in another!

And I LOVE the texture you achieved with the paper towel!

Great little lamp!

Anonymous said...

This is lovely! Thanks for sharing!!!

Vanessa said...

Love it! I'll have to try the mod podge technique. (I also LOVE your other Pottery Barn knock off light fixture!!)

Desiree said...

WOW, amazing lamp makeover! Very, very impressive. Wonders never cease :-)

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my laundry room makeover!

I am now a follower.


Angela said...

You make such nice things. I've decided to follow you. Keep your wonderful creations coming!

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

I love the colored glass! Thanks so much for sharing! Who knew the Mod Podge secret? Love the flowers you added too. Your lamp turned out beautifully. Thanks for the link as well!

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

Wow, that was so sweet to say such nice things about me. I'm flattered. And blushing.

And also I love your new vase lamp. I might even like it better than the PB one. ;)

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

The blue turned out so good! It looks like a textured piece of blue glass~I have to get some modge podge!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Great job on this lamp. Love the color!

Sara Tornow said...

I'm now following your blog!

What a great idea. I love these types of lamps!

I'm having a giveaway on my blog this week if you'd like to check it out:

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

Oh the glass is just sooo pretty!
But I don't understand, you put the the switch part on the opening of the bottle? So what holding it in there? And how do you put the arc thingy to put the shade? Sorry, I guess I'm a little dense. :)

Cara Sexton said...

I love it! The glass tint thing is awesome and I've never heard of that technique before, but I can't wait to give it a try. I have some old funky clear glass bulb things that used to be a part of some retro light fixture from eras gone by, and I can't wait to try and dress them up with this technique. Thanks a million for posting. Glad to have found your blog!

Mona Thompson said...

I just might try this. It turned out very pretty.

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

Thanks everyone for your awesome comments! I LOVE reading them -- it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside! :)

Yanet - I probably didn't explain that part too well! (That's what you get with a newbie blogger!) To answer your question: The switch and cord sit snugly in the top of the vase -- so if you want to make your own you'll want to check out the opening size to make sure you have enough room to fit the switch in there. As for the lamp shade, the particular one I used didn't have the arc part, it's more of a three-prong brace, which worked well becuase it sits below the actual light bulb and on top of the switch-head part.

Yikes -- that's awfully wordy -- hope it makes sense!! :)

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Your lamp looks amazing and you can't beat that price!!!

Rory from Tools Are For Women Too! said...

Another great transformation from you! Thanks for showing it off on Modern Craftswoman Monday! Rory

mommy2luke2008 said...

Love this lamp!!! I am featuring this on my friday favorites Sorry I don't have a direct link, but I'm scheduling it today to post for tomorrow and I wanted to know I was featuring this!

Rachelle said...

Love this! It looks great!! :)

Amy @ Amy Hogan Photography said...

Love this! Great idea.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

This is amazing...the lamp looks wonderful. Thanks for the tip on using food coloring and mod podge.
xo, Sherry

Jackie said...

Hi! I found your blog from Remodelholic! I just love this lamp, you are SO creative.

You have a new follower!

Love your blog!

Amber said...

I am alwayst blown away by the creativity in blog land! This is amazing! Your lamp turned out fabulous! I would have NEVER thought to tint mod podge & use in on glass.

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

I found you through Remodelholic. What a sweet lamp. I love the glass technique. Thanks for experimenting for the rest of us, so we can get it right the first time! LOL! Love it.

Holyoke Home said...

Wowsa! I will trade you a giant gooseberry bush for one ounce of your innate creativity.

Great job!

GB said...

Found you thru tatertots and jello......Love this lamp!! looks so professional...only question is , where does the wire come out (did you loop it back out the mouth of the vase?) Looks awesome and I'm inspired to try some on my own now! :D

amy, hannah, and ellie said...

Great!! I love this! I am a new follower and can't wait to see more!
We just started a blog and would love for you to check it out!

Mama Peacock said...

I love your blog and great ideas. I am going to try this on some old soda bottles I scored at an auction today: I linked this and added photos to my blog-

Mandy England said...

I LOVE the color you chose! It turned out so beautifully! :]

Anonymous said...

Love this! I have been really wanting these lamps but not wanting to spend the money!

Carly@Humble Housekeeping said...

The blue tint turned out so wonderfully! I love it...great job!

Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

That color is awesome!!

Karie said...

Very cleaver and cute. Love it. Thanks for sharing.

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