Showing posts with label Framed Letter Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Framed Letter Friday. Show all posts

Friday, July 9, 2010

Framed Letter Friday

Last week we did the ever-so-patriotic USA letters - and here are the answers to what each letter was:

U:  Light Fixture

S:  S-hooks from that Potter Barn Knockoff Light

 A:  Handle of a knife sharpener

Are you ready for this week's word???

Next week we'll have the answers to what each of the letters is -- until then, have a wonderful weekend bloggy friends!! :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Framed Letter Friday

It's the end of the week again -- and that means it's time for some "picture letter" words.  I was kind of a lame-o this week and did an easy three letter word -- what can I say I wanted to be patriotic -- but Independence and Freedom are pretty long words!  So USA it is!

 Any guesses?  I'll post what each letter actually is later on today!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Framed Letter Friday Reveal

A quick thank you to Lanie and her SUPER entertaining blog, Life in the Pitts, for featuring my little solar lights -- she's a crafty, yet really funny blogger, and you should definitely check her out.  Thanks, Lanie!!

We had some good guesses and a lot of right answers this week on the letters (sometimes the pics are just too obvious!)

Maria at You Craft Me Up was oh-so-close on the "E" (plus she totally gave me the idea to use a part from my chandelier in the future!)

Inspired by You guess was spot on this week on our "I" -- Woo Hoo!! :)  

Elizabeth at Habitually Crafty got the "wrought iron something" right for the "E" -- okay I couldn't resist -- it made me laugh!

Thanks for the guesses, Ladies -- and here's the answers

L:  Although it definitely looked like a photo frame, it was our railing for the stairs

I:  You guys guessed it!  It was a pull from a my recent lamp project.

V:  The Solar Light from the House Number Planter Box.

E:  Our "wrought iron something!"  It's a candle-hangy-thing that I don't really know what to do with -- I may be ditching it soon. Hmmmm.

All that to make up:

Framed Letter Friday

Okay, well just a few "thank yous" and wonderful blogs to mention before today's Framed Letters.

First, Rachelle at Fingerprints on the Fridge is having a "Feature Yourself Friday" today! You should check out all the wonderful projects people have submitted!  She was just a doll and featured my PB table lamp -- thank you, thank you, Rachelle!

Have you been to Mary's blog Lil Bit of Us?  Well today she was wonderful enough to feature my solar lights and my pottery barn light from last week.  Isn't she sweet??  She has tons of crafty fun things on her site too!  Thanks, Mary!

 Another AMAZING site is Amy's blog Mod Podge Rocks -- as you can tell I've been a little bit obsessive about my Mod Podge lately -- and this blog takes the cake on Mod Podge Projects.  Amy was also SUPER sweet and shared my solar light project with all her Facebook Friends -- so THANK YOU, Amy!

Now on to our Framed Letter Friday!  I honestly love doing this every week -- hopefully you all do to?  You're not getting bored with all these letters??  Are you ready for a lively bunch of letters this week??? (hmm, that was a lot of questions in a row)

Anyone want to guess what these letters are???  We'll do the reveal a little bit later on this until then!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ready for the "answers" to our "DAD" letters?


 Basket from underneath our Buffet Table


One of those flip picture frame-things

Coffee Mug Handle

There were some spot-on guesses for these -- good job bloggy friends!  Hopefully everyone has a WONDERFUL Father's Day Weekend!

Framed Letter Friday

Well of course with Father's Day coming up we had to do the word "Dad" for our Framed Letter Friday:


We'll have our reveal later on today for the answers on what each letter is.  Until then.....feel free to take a wild guess at what they might be! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Framed Letter Friday Reveal

Are you ready for the reveal on our "WISH" letters this week?  Me too -- but first I MUST say a quick "Thank you" to the sweet gals at Someday Crafts (this blog is amazing!) who were wonderful enough to feature my Pottery Barn Inspired Chandelier -- THANK YOU!! 


And now on to our letters....Lisa at the Pursuit of Happiness knew what the "W" was (that was the hubby's great eye there!) -- now here they all are:

W - Willow Tree Figurine

I - File Cabinet Handle

S - Napkin Holder

H - Patio Chair

And all that to make up:

I "WISH" you a wonderful weekend!! :)

Framed Letter Friday

Friday rolls around again!  Boy time flies by!  This week I have to give credit my hubs for most of the letters -- he's got quite the eye for it!   Heeeeeere they are:

I think the "W" is my favorite letter so far. 

And as always, I'll do the "reveal" post as to what each letter is later on this afternoon.  TGIF!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Framed Letter Friday Reveal

Time for our big reveal (well, not all that big!).

It was a short word this week -- and at least one obvious letter, but without further delay -- here's your answers:

J: Filter Water Faucet
O: Wine Cork (and yes, I will say that wine gives me JOY!)
Y:  Clock

I added a page of all the past "Framed Letters" at the top of the page -- feel free to take a look at the past ones!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Framed Letter Friday

TGIF....becuase it's time for our framed letters!

Our joyous letters are:


We'll have our reveal later on today for the answers on what each letter is.  Until then.....feel free to take a wild guess! :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Framed Letter Friday Reveal

I know you've been here are the answers to today's Letter Art:

B: Wind- chimes

                    L:  Outdoor Chair Arm
O:  Pink Poppy

O:  Hose Spigot from our Rain Barrel

M:  Fence

 Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

Framed Letter Friday

It's already that time again!  Framed-Letter-Friday!!  We're very excited because this week we've kept with our outdoors theme (it is Spring after all!).  All the letters for "Bloom" today are found somewhere outside.  Some of these letters are a pretty easy guess....and with that said:

Feel free to take a gander at what the letters are -- and later on today we'll post the answers!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Framed Letter Friday Reveal

Alrighty bloggy are the answers to our earlier "Hope" puzzle:

There they are:
H - Handle from my Knock-Off Wood Buffet 
O - Basket   
P - Wall Shelf Support   
E - Garden Hose

Framed Letter Friday

HOPEfully you're back for another Framed Letter Friday!

Here's the lettered-fun this week:

As always, feel free to take a wild guess as to what these little letters may be from.  We'll do a reveal later on today with the bigger picture of each letter.  Like I said in my earlier post about our Entryway Details once you start looking for letters in objects they sort of pop out at you.

I would love to share these (without the watermark) with anyone who may want them for their house or blog!  If you use them on your blog a link back is always appreciated!  Happy Snapping!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Framed Letter Friday Reveal

I know you've just been DYING to find out what each of our photos was! Right??

Well here's the bigger picture for you curious bloggers:

There they are:
L - Door Knob  O - Antique Key    V - Patio Table    E - Plate Frame
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